5:57 PM

Bộ sách 15 Days’ Practice for IELTS Writing sẽ không đem đến cho các bạn các bài luyện writing như các sách writing thông thường, mà sẽ tổng kết tất cả các kỹ năng chính trong môn writing nhằm giúp bạn đạt điểm số mà bạn mong ước trong kỳ thi IELTS.

You have certainly practised a great deal to prepare for your actual exam. You have also been exposed to a variety of materials, and have familiarised yourself with the format for the IELTS test. This book, therefore, does not aim at loading you with more practice material on IELTS, but it will sum up the main points so as to enable you to work out an effective plan to finally achieve your desired band in the actual test you are taking.


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