12:56 PM

Description: Wouldn’t you like to be done with your English language proficiency requirements and get on with the process of immigrating or starting your college endeavors? We think you would. That is why we make passing the IELTS® easy. Easy? Yes, receiving a passing score can be easy with the IELTS® if you prepare with the correct methods and materials.

Low Cost - Affordable - And Now Newly Revised. For only one low price you can start your path to success. We guarantee that! Yes, we guarantee that by becoming our client we will start you on the right path to passing the IELTS® and securing your future! Join the thousands that have been helped using our methods and materials - now the revised ULTRA IELTS® “Kit”!!!

• Our materials have been totally updated in mid-2008 – and revisions will continue to be made as more information becomes available. This past May we added two jam-packed CD’s and expanded our principal IELTS® instruction book. Keep in mind these points:

• Our materials are fresh and frequently revised! Most other preparation books were published years ago. Since they are hard-printed books, using nearly obsolete technology, they are impossible to revise without reprinting. Why rely on out-dated materials?

• Our program is time-tested and completely effective. You can obtain your perfect “9.0” through us! Free materials you get over the Internet never provide complete instruction, and never, ever, provide tutoring or voice and writing analysis!

• We bring you beyond the failed techniques of other prep services. Practice tests give you no instructional content. Preparing by taking “practice” tests will give you a zero gain in IELTS® knowledge!


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